Hendrick Lorentz and George Fitzgerald. And you will be wonderful. Lorentz Velocity Transformation Lorentz Transformation Special Relativity Physics In addition to his work as editor of the Einstein papers in finding source material Stachel assembled the many small clues that reveal Einsteins serious consideration of an emission theory of light. . In the theory of relativity the Lorentz contraction formula LoV v2 1 - c2 expresses the length L of an object as a function of its velocity v with respect to an observer where Lo is the length of the object at rest and c is the speed of light. L is the length observed by an observer in motion relative to the object. The theory of special relativity states 2 2. His de-scription is as follows. Predicted that there might be a contraction of length in the direction of motion by a factor of sqrt 1-v2c2. The length is maximum in the frame in which the object is. Expres...
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